What They’re Saying About Us

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, I had a chance to sit in and listen to General Assembly with my daughter this morning and I was so impressed and happy with what I heard and saw! Beautiful reminder by the Sheikh to purify intentions and aim for Ihsaan! And am really impressed by the calibre and command of the Head Teacher!
May Allah SWT bless you for your care and dedication and commitment! May Allah SWT make this year a year of growth for all the children, spiritually and academically. And may Allah SWT make Lady Evelyn and her graduates lights for this Ummah and this world! Aameen!
Umm Zaid
Mother of Year 8 and Year 10 students, United Arab Emirates.

Asc I am so happy to be joining this school I have many friends there and I am looking forward to learn this whole academic year, Yours Sincerely Anas Jabril.
Anas Jabril
Year 5 student, United Kingdom.

Asalaamu alaykum, I just want to start by saying that I am really happy with how the school has been set up and how things are going with the children’s learning so far MashA’llah.
Amar Bashir
Father of Year 7 and Year 10 students, United Kingdom.

Assalamu alaikum just like to say a big Jazakumullah Khair for all your efforts in setting up and running this great project masha’Allah tabarakAllah. Kids are loving it and on the whole has been smooth and very professional. Minor issues were expected but have been minimal Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT bless and accept all efforts.
Gulraz Gachi
Father of Year 4 and Year 6 students, Saudi Arabia.

Jazak Allah khair for your response. I feel much more relaxed after your email. I am always praying for your school and all the teachers since your school is what we always dreamt of. I feel Allah has answered my duas in Madina Munawara and such a school came into existence. May Allah help us all. Jazak Allah khair.
Parent of Year 7 student

Assalamualaikum, I just want to let you guys know that his week my kids enrolled onto the online school called Lady Evelyn. I’ve been homeschooling them on and off for many years but I was really impressed by how the online school is working. Mashallah already they have picked up so much more language and are getting faster at typing and more adept at explaining themselves in good language.
It’s only been a week and I’ve been listening in on some lessons and the teachers are really good. They bring Islamic themes into a lot of the lessons. My children are in year 4 and year 6 and they are really enjoying this new change plus all their lessons are recorded so it’s easy to catch up if we ever miss anything. Also it’s easy to see if they need to find any assignments they need to do as the website is easy to use Allah humma baarik lahum.
Parent of Year 4 and Year 6 students

The one thing we have been so happy with as a family is:
The Islamic education is just far better more in depth and than what the girls were receiving before and my daughter has thoroughly enjoyed her literature class and has been challenged by and enjoyed meeting the challenges of computer sciences.