Terms and Conditions

We are very happy to have your child as a student at Lady Evelyn Plus. To maintain the high standard of education you and your child deserve, we have a simple set of conditions that form the agreement between you and the school. Please read them carefully to ensure that you and your child are happy with them.

These Conditions form a legally binding agreement for the provision of educational services.


This agreement sets out the terms and conditions upon which a place has been offered to your child. By accepting a place for your child as a student you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. We have endeavoured to draft this document in clear language, free, where possible, from legal jargon. It is, however, legally binding on both Lady Evelyn Plus and you. In this document the term ‘parents’ is frequently used. Guardians are included within the meaning of that word.


This agreement will remain in force so long as your child is enrolled at Lady Evelyn Plus and until all fees have been paid in accordance with Summer School Fees below.

Authority of the Head Teacher

Parents authorise the Head Teacher of Lady Evelyn Plus or their nominated deputy to take such action as the Head Teacher may consider to be in the best interests of the student on a day to day basis.

Provision of Education

The Lady Evelyn Plus will do all that is reasonable to provide an educational environment and teaching of a range, standard and quality which is suitable for each student.

The Lady Evelyn Plus cannot guarantee that the student will achieve his or her desired examination results or that results will be sufficient to gain entry to other educational establishments.

Summer School Fees

The Summer School Fees and other expenses payable and the timing of such fees are set out on the Lady Evelyn Plus website.


Lady Evelyn Plus acknowledges the importance of respecting the privacy of students and we consider their best interests at all times. As an online school, we have a very active web presence and use social media as one of our daily tools. Students will have the opportunity to appear on our website and on our social media in many ways, including in photographs, video, sound recordings and posts. When we do this, we will seek explicit consent from Parents and Students prior to the publication of any of the above.

Additionally, Lady Evelyn Plus may from time to time release to the press and on the website and on social media, information that we consider in our reasonable opinion will be in the best interests of the school, students and the parents. In this event, we will again seek permission prior to any publication.

Data Protection

Lady Evelyn Plus will use the information you provide to us relating to you and your child, together with other information, for administrative monitoring, accounting, planning and control of the curriculum and examinations, publication of examination results, provision of references, analysis for education and management purposes, marketing and public relations and other purposes necessary for the good management of the school and the welfare of its staff and students. We may disclose some or all of this information to service providers and agents for these purposes.

By completing this form you agree and consent to our processing of the information you and your child provide to us for the purposes outlined above which shall include, where necessary, the processing of sensitive personal data which is that relating to your child’s health, their religious denomination and ethnic or racial origin.

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we retain on your child or yourself and to correct any inaccuracies that may be contained within it.

Lady Evelyn Plus will take all reasonable precautions and apply spam and virus protection to all Lady Evelyn Plus mail web accounts; however, the school are not responsible for any unwanted emails appearing in student’s Lady Evelyn Plus mail accounts.

Lady Evelyn Plus has a policy of recording all academic lessons. The facility to record lessons is seen as a very valuable asset and this policy is believed to be in the best interest of all students and teachers as well as parents. All lesson recordings remain securely on our software providers servers.

Internet Security

Lady Evelyn Plus will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your child uses the facilities of the school platform for appropriate purposes, but your child will be held accountable for his/her use of the Lady Evelyn Plus electronic mail services and the online social community and that deliberate misuse will be treated as a breach of Lady Evelyn Plus rules. Parents give their permission for the Head Teacher to monitor use of Lady Evelyn Plus’s services at any time.

In order to protect students from unsuitable contacts on the internet, students will have passwords and must only make contact with other students and staff in the authorised class rooms, message boards, email accounts and lessons and online communities set up by Lady Evelyn Plus.

All students will have their identities verified before acceptance into Lady Evelyn Plus.

Usernames and Passwords

Usernames and passwords issued to your child must never be given to, or used by anyone other than the named child and it is your responsibility to maintain the security of this data.

Study Environment

Parents are responsible for ensuring their child has access to an appropriate location from which to study. Lady Evelyn Plus is not responsible for the home (or any other) study environment.


The Head Teacher bears ultimate responsibility for the safety, well-being and educational advancement of students at Lady Evelyn Plus. The Head Teacher has authority to deal with all disciplinary matters arising and to delegate disciplinary powers amongst the staff as appropriate. Parents and students accept such authority of the Head Teacher unconditionally.

In very serious cases of ill-discipline it may be appropriate for the Head Teacher to suspend or expel a student. Parents agree that the Head Teacher has full authority to suspend or expel a student in these circumstances. Parents will be contacted immediately by the Head Teacher if a student is suspended explaining the circumstances that have led to the suspension.


The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales. Please make sure you have read and understood Sections 5 and 6 with regards to Notice Period and Summer School Fees.

Consumer Contracts

If you are a resident in the EU, you are entitled to cancel this agreement within fourteen (14) days of signing without having to give a reason. However, if you wish your child to start receiving services from Lady Evelyn Plus within that 14-day period then by your child logging into the Lady Evelyn Plus platform you waive that right to cancel and accept that you are bound by our early termination clause in the contract.


Download our Lady Evelyn Plus Summer School Prospectus for 2nd-26th August 2021 and receive other updates from us via email (please do check your Spam/Junk folders), WhatsApp and/or SMS, please enter your details below:


Download our Lady Evelyn Plus Summer School Prospectus for 2nd-26th August 2021 and receive other updates from us via email (please do check your Spam/Junk folders), WhatsApp and/or SMS, please enter your details below:



Download our Lady Evelyn Plus Summer School Prospectus for 2nd-26th August 2021 and receive other updates from us via email (please do check your Spam/Junk folders), WhatsApp and/or SMS, please enter your details below: